अमेरिकामा नेपालीलाई ३७० वर्षको जेल सजाय (भिडियो सहित)

We had approximately 300 people that marched for Ajay.  We held a vigil in front of the appellate court for 45 minutes.  We handed out about 200 fliers and hundreds of cards to people who were asking about the case.  One judge and a chief staffer from the courthouse came out and observed us. Two papers took pictures and interviewed people.  We also sent photos of the event to other local media.  Many, many people took photos and already have started to post them on our facebook page.
We had people come to the vigil from Chico, San Jose, San Francisco, Sunnyvale, Fremont, Hayward, Boston, Connecticut (and of course Sacramento, Davis, Woodland and West Sac).  It was absolutely incredible.  The police were getting phone calls from the people inside the buildings to find out what was happening. There were so many people! A HUGE HEARTFELT THANKS to all of you that took time to help Ajay

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